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ATLAS Cultural Tourism Survey Results and Publications

Richards and Bonink, C.A.M. (1995) Marketing Cultural Tourism in Europe. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 1(2), 173-180.


Richards, G. (1996) Production and consumption of European Cultural Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(2), 261-283.



Richards, G. (1996) Cultural Tourism in Europe. CAB International, Wallingford.



Richards, G. (1998) Cultural tourism in Europe: recent developments. In Grande Ibarra, J. (ed) Actas del Congresso Europeo sobre Itenerios Culturales y Rutas Temáticas, pp. 105-113. ISBN 84-89740-14-3.


Richards, G. (1999) Developing and Marketing Crafts Tourism. ATLAS, Tilburg, ISBN 90-75775-06-7,119pp.



Richards, G. (1999). Heritage visitor attractions in Europe: a visitor profile. Interpretation, 4(3), 9-13.



Richards, G. (2000) Tourism and the World of Culture and Heritage.Tourism Recreation Research, 25(1) 9-18.



Richards G.  (2000) Tourism and Culture. In van der Straaten, J. and Briassoulis, H. (eds) Tourism and the Environment (2nd Edition). Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 165-178.


Richards, G. (2000) Políticas y actuaciones en el campo del turismo cultural Europeo. In Herrero, L.C. (ed) Turismo Cultural: el patrimonio histórico como fuente de riqueza. Fundación del Patrimonio Histórico de Castillya y León, Valladolid, pp. 68-96. ISBN 84-931163-1-9.



Richards, G. W. (2000). Introduction to Special Issue on Cultural Tourism. Tourism, Culture & Communication, 2(3), 149-151.

Richards, G. W. (2000). Musea en het internationaal cultuurhistorisch toerisme. In T. B. J. Noordman (Ed.), Museummarketing (pp. 179-189). Elsevier bedrijfsinformatie.

Richards, G. (2000) Cultural tourism. In MacManus, P. (ed) Archaeological Collections and Display. University of London, pp. 1-11. ISBN 1 873132 67 0


Richards, G. (2001, ed.) Cultural Attractions and European Tourism. CAB International, Wallingford. 259pp. ISBN 0-85199-440-7.



Richards, G. (2002) Creating a new tourism? In Garcia, S. (ed.) Turisme i Cultura. Debats del Congrés de Turisme Cultural SITC. Fundacio Interarts, Barcelona, pp. 61-66. ISBN 84-607-3501-X.


Richards, G. (2002) Traditional and contemporary culture and tourism. In Belda, E. and Laaksonen, A. (eds) Pyrenne: a European project to foster linguistic diversity and the role of tradition in contemporary arts production. Fundacio Interarts, Barcelona, 65-73. ISBN 84-607-3742-X.


Richards, G. (2002) El desarrollo del turismo cultural en Europa. Estudios Turísticos no. 150, pp 3-13.



Richards, Greg (2002) Tourism attraction systems: Exploring Cultural Behavior. Annals of Tourism Research 29(4), 1048-1064.



Richards, G. (2002) From Cultural Tourism to Creative Tourism: European Perspectives. Tourism 50 (3), 225-234.


Richards, G., Hitters, E. and Fernandes, C. (2002) Rotterdam and Porto Cultural Capitals of Europe 2001: Visitor surveys. ATLAS, Arnhem.


Fernandes C. McGettigan F. and Edwards J. ed (2003) Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. ATLAS.


Richards, G. (2003) Sistemas de attractivos turisticos: un análisis del comportamiento cultural. Annals of Tourism Research en Español, 4(2), 380-398. ISSN1575-443-X



Richards, G. (2003) What is Cultural Tourism? In van Maaren, A. (ed.) Erfgoed voor Toerisme. Nationaal Contact Monumenten.



Pereiro, X. (2004). Informe de Investigação sobre o perfil do “turista cultural” no Nordeste Transmontano. ATLAS, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. doi: https://1library. org/document/z115lxez-relatorio-investigacao-sobre-perfilturista-cultural-nordeste-transmontano. html.       


Richards, G. (2004) New directions for cultural tourism? Tourism Market Trends, World Tourism Organisation, pp. 137-148.

 In Spanish: Nuevas tendencias del turismo cultural?


Munsters, W. (2004). Culture x Tourism: merely a marriage of convenience?: Inaugural speech held by Dr. Wil Munsters on Friday, 23 April 2004. Zuyd Hogeschool. (also in Dutch: Cultuur x Toerisme: louter een verstandshuwelijk? Wil Munsters, Inaugurale Rede, 2004     


Richards, G., & Queirós, C. (2005). ATLAS Cultural tourism research project 2004: Survey report. ATLAS.


Öter, Z., & Özdoğan, O. N. (2005). Kültür Amaçlı Seyahat Eden Turistlerde Destinasyon İmajı: Selçuk-Efes Örneği. Anatolia: Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi, 16(2). 127-138

Kültür Amaçlı Seyahat Eden Turistlerde Destinasyon İmajı: Selçuk-Efes Örneği. (Destination image among cultural tourists: The Case of Ephesus)


Rodrigues, A. (2006). The Delphi technique applied to urban and cultural tourism research in the Algarve. Tourism & Management Studies, 2, 110-118.


Ylätalo, Hanna (2006) Erilaisuutta ilman eriarvoisuutta? : Kulttuurin kuluttamisen tavat ja niiden yhteys sosiaaliseen taustaan matkailussa. Sarja Keskustelua ja raportteja/

Series Discussion and Working Papers



Richards, G. (2007, ed.) Cultural Tourism: Global and local perspectives. New York: Haworth Press.


Richards, G. and Pereiro, X. (2007) Cultural Tourism: Negotiating identities. Vila Real: UTAD.



Paschinger, E. (2007). Authenticity, interpretation and the issue of demand: How product development at world heritage sites can encourage sustainable management. Krems: IMC University of Applied Sciences.


Richards, G. (2007) Globalisation, localisation and cultural tourism. In Smith, M. and Onderwater, L. (eds) Destinations Revisited: Perspectives on developing and managing tourist areas. Arnhem: ATLAS, 25-34.


Richards G. and Wilson, J. (2007) Tourism, Creativity and Development. Routledge. Link to full open access text in Tilburg University repository

Isaac, R. (2008). Understanding the behaviour of cultural tourists. Science Guide.


Richards, G. and Wilson, J. (2008) The Changing Context of Cultural Tourism.  Arnhem: ATLAS.


Richards, G. and Wilson, J. (2008) Changing Structures of Collaboration in Cultural Tourism.  Arnhem: ATLAS.


Richards, G. and Wilson, J. (2008) Changing experiences: The development of creative tourism. Arnhem: ATLAS.


Richards, G. and Wilson, J. (2008) Changing Places – The spatial challenge of creativity.  Arnhem: ATLAS.


Richards, G. and Rotariu, I. (2008) Sibiu European Capital of Culture 2007: Evaluation report. Arnhem: ATLAS.


Richards, G. (2008) Un nuovo turismo culturale per una nuova Europa. (A new cultural tourism for a new Europe) L’Annuario del Turismo e Della Cultura 2008. Milan: Touring Club Italiano, pp. 418-422.



Smeets, D. (2008) Cultuurstad Maastricht: Een bezoek waard?, Kenniskring & Lectoraat Toerisme en Cultuur, Hogeschool Zuyd, Maastricht (Maastricht Cultural City: Worth a visit? (In Dutch with English data tables).     


Richards, G. (2008) Turismo Cultural: Padrões e implicações. In de Camargo, P. and da Cruz, G. (ed.) Turismo Cultural.  Salvador: Bahia University Press.



Richards, G. (2009) The Impact of Culture on Tourism. Paris: OECD.



Richards, G. (2010) Increasing the attractiveness of places through cultural resources. Tourism, Culture and Communication, Volume 10, Number 1, 47-58.


Richards, G. and Rotariu, I. (2010) The Impact of the 2007 European Cultural Capital in Sibiu:

A long term perspective. Editura Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, 2010. ISBN  978-973-739-954-0


Richards, G. and Munsters, W. (2010) Cultural Tourism Research Methods. CABI, Wallingford.

Link to full open access text in Tilburg University repository


Toivonen T. (2010). Omnivorousness in Cultural Tourism: An International Comparison. ATLAS Cultural Tourism Research Project. 


Richards, G. and Rotariu, I. (2010) 2007 European Cultural Capital In Sibiu – Preliminary Findings Concerning The Impact On Major Stakeholders. Studies in Business and Economics, 5 (1), 146-155.


Richards, G. (2010) Un nuovo turismo culturale per una nuova Europa. Ministero per i Beni e le Attivit Culturali, Newsletter Numero 3/2010. Rome, pp 3-6.


Buczkowska, K. (2011) Cultural Tourism - Heritage, Arts and Creativity 

Pfanner, J.H. (2011) Archaeological Sieving as Creative Tourism?  MA International Design and Communication Management (Unpublished master’s thesis) United Kingdom: University of Warwick.


Isaac, R. Understanding the Behaviour of Cultural Tourists - Towards a Classification of Dutch Cultural Tourists. NHTV Breda.


Richards, G. (2011) Cultural tourism trends in Europe: a context for the development of Cultural Routes. In: Khovanova-Rubicondo, K. (ed.) Impact of European Cultural Routes on SMEs’ innovation and competitiveness. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, pp. 21-39.


Richards, G. and Rotariu, I. (2012) The Impact of Cultural Events on Tourism Development: Sibiu – During and After the European Cultural Capital. Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, Volume XII, Issue 1, pp. 120-125.


Urošević, N. (2012). Cultural identity and cultural tourism: Between the local and the global (a case study of Pula, Croatia). Singidunum journal of applied sciences, 9(1), 67-76.



Richards, G. and van der Ark, A. (2013) Dimensions of Cultural Consumption among Tourists: Multiple correspondence analysis. Tourism Management, 37, August, pp. 71-76.



Richards, G. (2013) Cultural and Creative Sectors for Growth and Jobs. Draft Opinion of the Commission for Education, Youth, Culture and Research. Committee of the Regions, Brussels. EDUC-V-029. (Rapporteur Anton Rombouts).


Richards, G. and Rotariu, I. (2013) The impact of cultural events on tourism development: The European Cultural Capital. Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University, Economy Series, 1/2013, 6-12.


Richards, G. (2013) Cultural Tourism, in Blackshaw, T. (ed.) The Handbook of Leisure. London: Routledge, pp. 483-492.


Smith, M. and Richards, G. (2013) The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism. London: Routledge.



Richards, G. (2014) Cultural Tourism 3.0. The Future of Urban Tourism in Europe? In Roberta Garibaldi (ed), Il turismo culturale europeo. Città ri-visitate. Nuove idee e forme del turismo culturale (2014), pp. 25-38.



Richards, G. (2015) ATLAS Cultural Tourism Report 2008-2013. Arnhem: ATLAS. ISBN: 978-90-75775-77-8




Chapter 1

The ATLAS Cultural Tourism Research Project  2008-2013

Greg Richards


Chapter 2

ATLAS Cultural Tourism Research Summary Report 2008

Mieke Pelzer and Marjan Melkert


Chapter 3

Results of the Atlas Cultural Tourism Research Project in Poznań, Poland

Karolina Buczkowska


Chapter 4

Cultural Tourism in Sibiu 2009-2013

Ilie Rotariu and Greg Richards


Chapter 5

ATLAS Cultural Tourism Research in Latvia 2006-2010

Jānis Kalnačs

Pelzer, M. and Melkert, M. (2015) ATLAS Cultural Tourism Research Summary Report 2008. In Richards, G. (ed.) ATLAS Cultural Tourism Research Project Research Report 2008-2013. Arnhem: ATLAS, pp. 7-19.


Russo, A.P. and Richards, G. (2016). Reinventing the Local in Tourism: Producing, Consuming and Negotiating Place. Channel View Publications. Link to full open access text in Tilburg University repository


Richards, G. (2016) Cultural Tourism. In McManus, P. (ed.) Archaeological Displays and the Public: Museology and Interpretation, London: Routledge, 1-12. ISBN 9781315434568.


Mbang G.F., & Ndi, H.N. (2016). Cultural Tourism and Local Development in Kumbo Sub Division (North West Region, Cameroon). Higher Teacher Training College, University of Yaounde 1.


Richards, G. (2018) Report on Tourism and Culture Synergies. Madrid:UNWTO.


Richards, G. (2018) Cultural Tourism: A review of recent research and trends. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 36, 12-21. 1447-6770



Richards, G. and Marques, L. (2018) Creating synergies between cultural policy and tourism for permanent and temporary citizens. Barcelona: UCLG/ICUB.



Richards, G. and Bargeman, B. (2019) Bestaat ‘de’ cultuurtoerist nog? Vrijetijdstudies, 36(2) 37-41.'de'_cultuurtoerist_nog



Richards, G. (2019) Kültür Turizmi: Son Araştırmalar ve Eğilimlere Dair Bir İnceleme. In Özdemir, N. and Öger, A. KÜLTÜREL MİRAS Yönetimi. Ankara: Grafiker. pp. 583-614. ISBN: 978-605-2233-52-8



Richards, G., King, B. and Yeung, E. (2020) Experiencing culture in attractions, events and tour settings. Tourism Management.


Richards, G. (2020) Heritage and tourism: A shared concern for locals and visitors? In Luger, K. and Ripp, M. (eds) World Heritage Management, urban planning and sustainable tourism. Innsbruck: Studienverlag, pp 105-120.



Richards, G. (2021) Rethinking Cultural Tourism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN 978178990 5434. Link to full open access text in Tilburg University repository


Munsters, W. (2021) The Study of Cultural Tourism in Ten Models

(PDF) The Study of Cultural Tourism in Ten Models - Wil Munsters (


Richards, G. (2021) ATLAS Cultural Tourism Bibliography.


Richards, G. (2021) Emerging cultural tourism practices: New opportunities for small cities? TVT Turisztikai és Vidékfejlesztési Tanulmányok (Tourism and Rural Development Studies) 6(4), 4-15. DOI: 10.15170 / TVT.2021.06.04.01.



Richards, G. (2022) Urban tourism as a special type of cultural tourism. In van der Borg, J. (ed.) Research Agenda for Urban Tourism. Edward Elgar, pp.  31–50.



Richards, G. & Fernandes, C. (2022) Cultural tourism during the Pandemic: Lessons from Portugal. Tourism, Culture and Communication.


Munsters, W. (2023) Théories et pratiques du tourisme culturel. Une étude de modèles et de leurs applications. Paris: L’Harmattan. theories_et_pratiques_du_tourisme_culturel_une_etude_de_modeles_et_de_leurs_applications_greg_richards_wil_munsters-9782140352843-78753.html

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